

Return the preferred ledger ID.

std::pair< Seq, ID >

The preferred ledger is used to determine the working ledger for consensus amongst competing alternatives.

Recall that each validator is normally validating a chain of ledgers, e.g. A->B->C->D. However, if due to network connectivity or other issues, validators generate different chains


we need a way for validators to converge on the chain with the most support. We call this the preferred ledger. Intuitively, the idea is to be conservative and only switch to a different branch when you see enough peer validations to know another branch won't have preferred support. This ensures the preferred branch has monotonically increasing support.

The preferred ledger is found by walking this tree of validated ledgers starting from the common ancestor ledger.

At each sequence number, we have

The preferred ledger for this sequence number is then the ledger with relative majority of support, where prefixSupport can be given to ANY ledger at that sequence number (including one not yet known). If no such preferred ledger exists, than prior sequence preferred ledger is the overall preferred ledger.

In this example, for D to be preferred, the number of validators supporting it or a descendant must exceed the number of validators supporting C plus the current prefix support. This is because if all the prefix support validators end up validating C, that new support must be less than that for D to be preferred.

If a preferred ledger does exist, then we continue with the next sequence but increase prefixSupport with the non-preferred tip support this round, e.g. if C were preferred over D, then prefixSupport would incerase by the support of D and E, since if those validators are following the protocl, they will switch to the C branch, but might initially support a different descendant.
