
Consensus Overview


Note that most types have an ID as a lightweight identifier of instances of that type. Consensus often operates on the IDs directly since the underlying type is potentially expensive to share over the network. For example, proposal's only contain the ID of the position of a peer. Since many peers likely have the same position, this reduces the need to send the full transaction set multiple times. Instead, a node can request the transaction set from the network if necessary.


The diagram above is an overview of the consensus process from the perspective of a single participant. Recall that during a single consensus round, a node is trying to agree with its peers on which transactions to apply to its prior ledger when generating the next ledger. It also attempts to agree on the network time when the ledger closed. There are 3 main phases to a consensus round:

Throughout, a heartbeat timer calls timerEntry at a regular frequency to drive the process forward. Although the startRound call occurs at arbitrary times based on when the initial round began and the time it takes to apply transactions, the transitions from Open to Establish and Establish to Accept only occur during calls to timerEntry. Similarly, transactions can arrive at arbitrary times, independent of the heartbeat timer. Transactions received after the Open to Close transition and not part of peer proposals won't be considered until the next consensus round. They are represented above by the light green triangles.

Peer proposals are issued by a node during a timerEntry call, but since peers do not synchronize timerEntry calls, they are received by other peers at arbitrary times. Peer proposals are only considered if received prior to the Establish to Accept transition, and only if the peer is working on the same prior ledger. Peer proposals received after consensus is reached will not be meaningful and are represented above by the circle with the X in it. Only proposals from chosen peers are considered.

Effective Close Time

In addition to agreeing on a transaction set, each consensus round tries to agree on the time the ledger closed. Each node calculates its own close time when it closes the open ledger. This exact close time is rounded to the nearest multiple of the current effective close time resolution. It is this effective close time that nodes seek to agree on. This allows servers to derive a common time for a ledger without the need for perfectly synchronized clocks. As depicted below, the 3 pink arrows represent exact close times from 3 consensus nodes that round to the same effective close time given the current resolution. The purple arrow represents a peer whose estimate rounds to a different effective close time given the current resolution.

The effective close time is part of the node's position and is shared with peers in its proposals. Just like the position on the consensus transaction set, a node will update its close time position in response to its peers' effective close time positions. Peers can agree to disagree on the close time, in which case the effective close time is taken as 1 second past the prior close.

The close time resolution is itself dynamic, decreasing (coarser) resolution in subsequent consensus rounds if nodes are unable to reach consensus on an effective close time and increasing (finer) resolution if nodes consistently reach close time consensus.


Internally, a node operates under one of the following consensus modes. Either of the first two modes may be chosen when a consensus round starts.

The other two modes are set internally during the consensus round when the node believes it is no longer working on the dominant ledger chain based on peer validations. It checks this on every call to timerEntry.

Once either wrong ledger or switch ledger are reached, the node cannot return to proposing or observing until the next consensus round. However, the node could change its view of the correct prior ledger, so going from switch ledger to wrong ledger and back again is possible.

The distinction between the wrong and switched ledger modes arises because a ledger's unique identifier may be known by a node before the ledger itself. This reflects that fact that the data corresponding to a ledger may be large and take time to share over the network, whereas the smaller ID could be shared in a peer validation much more quickly. Distinguishing the two states allows the node to decide how best to generate the next ledger once it declares consensus.


As depicted in the overview diagram, consensus is best viewed as a progression through 3 phases. There are 4 public methods of the generic consensus algorithm that determine this progression

The following subsections describe each consensus phase in more detail and what actions are taken in response to these calls.


The Open phase is a quiescent period to allow transactions to build up in the node's open ledger. The duration is a trade-off between latency and throughput. A shorter window reduces the latency to generating the next ledger, but also reduces transaction throughput due to fewer transactions accepted into the ledger.

A call to startRound would forcibly begin the next consensus round, skipping completion of the current round. This is not expected during normal operation. Calls to peerProposal or gotTxSet simply store the proposal or transaction set for use in the coming Establish phase.

A call to timerEntry first checks that the node is working on the correct prior ledger. If not, it will update the mode and request the correct ledger. Otherwise, the node checks whether to switch to the Establish phase and close the ledger.

Ledger Close

Under normal circumstances, the open ledger period ends when one of the following is true

When closing the ledger, the node takes its initial position based on the transactions in the open ledger and uses the current time as its initial close time estimate. If in the proposing mode, the node shares its initial position with peers. Now that the node has taken a position, it will consider any peer positions for this round that arrived earlier. The node generates disputed transactions for each transaction not in common with a peer's position. The node also records the vote of each peer for each disputed transaction.

In the example below, we suppose our node has closed with transactions 1,2 and 3. It creates disputes for transactions 2,3 and 4, since at least one peer position differs on each.


The establish phase is the active period of consensus in which the node exchanges proposals with peers in an attempt to reach agreement on the consensus transactions and effective close time.

A call to startRound would forcibly begin the next consensus round, skipping completion of the current round. This is not expected during normal operation. Calls to peerProposal or gotTxSet that reflect new positions will generate disputed transactions for any new disagreements and will update the peer's vote for all disputed transactions.

A call to timerEntry first checks that the node is working from the correct prior ledger. If not, the node will update the mode and request the correct ledger. Otherwise, the node updates the node's position and considers whether to switch to the Accepted phase and declare consensus reached. However, at least LEDGER_MIN_CONSENSUS time must have elapsed before doing either. This allows peers an opportunity to take an initial position and share it.

Update Position

In order to achieve consensus, the node is looking for a transaction set that is supported by a super-majority of peers. The node works towards this set by adding or removing disputed transactions from its position based on an increasing threshold for inclusion.

By starting with a lower threshold, a node initially allows a wide set of transactions into its position. If the establish round continues and the node is "stuck", a higher threshold can focus on accepting transactions with the most support. The constants that define the thresholds and durations at which the thresholds change are given by AV_XXX_CONSENSUS_PCT and AV_XXX_CONSENSUS_TIME respectively, where XXX is INIT,MID,LATE and STUCK. The effective close time position is updated using the same thresholds.

Given the example disputes above and an initial threshold of 50%, our node would retain its position since transaction 1 was not in dispute and transactions 2 and 3 have 75% support. Since its position did not change, it would not need to send a new proposal to peers. Peer C would not change either. Peer A would add transaction 3 to its position and Peer B would remove transaction 4 from its position; both would then send an updated position.

Conversely, if the diagram reflected a later call to timerEntry that occurs in the stuck region with a threshold of say 95%, our node would remove transactions 2 and 3 from its candidate set and send an updated position. Likewise, all the other peers would end up with only transaction 1 in their position.

Lastly, if our node were not in the proposing mode, it would not include its own vote and just take the majority (>50%) position of its peers. In this example, our node would maintain its position of transactions 1, 2 and 3.

Checking Consensus

After updating its position, the node checks for supermajority agreement with its peers on its current position. This agreement is of the exact transaction set, not just the support of individual transactions. That is, if our position is a subset of a peer's position, that counts as a disagreement. Also recall that effective close time agreement allows a supermajority of participants agreeing to disagree.

Consensus is declared when the following 3 clauses are true:

The middle condition ensures slower peers have a chance to share positions, but prevents waiting too long on peers that have disconnected. Additionally, a node can declare that consensus has moved on if minimumConsensusPercentage peers have sent validations and moved on to the next ledger. This outcome indicates the node has fallen behind its peers and needs to catch up.

If a node is not proposing, it does not include its own position when calculating the percent of agreeing participants but otherwise follows the above logic.

Accepting Consensus

Once consensus is reached (or moved on), the node switches to the Accept phase and signals to the implementing code that the round is complete. That code is responsible for using the consensus transaction set to generate the next ledger and calling startRound to begin the next round. The implementation has total freedom on ordering transactions, deciding what to do if consensus moved on, determining whether to retry or abandon local transactions that did not make the consensus set and updating any internal state based on the consensus progress.


The Accept phase is the terminal phase of the consensus algorithm. Calls to timerEntry, peerProposal and gotTxSet will not change the internal consensus state while in the accept phase. The expectation is that the application specific code is working to generate the new ledger based on the consensus outcome. Once complete, that code should make a call to startRound to kick off the next consensus round. The startRound call includes the new prior ledger, prior ledger ID and whether the round should begin in the proposing or observing mode. After setting some initial state, the phase transitions to Open. The node will also check if the provided prior ledger and ID are correct, updating the mode and requesting the proper ledger from the network if necessary.
